Arched screens

Arched filter screens for large screen changers

The patented arched screens are pre-formed
to fit tight on the breaker plate and ensure a
fail-safe sealing at the complete rim. The
amount of screen layers, weave type, or fiber
metal felt (FMF) of the arched screens are
tailor-made in regards of polymer type, melt
viscosity and filter fineness. According to the
application, a typical demand for arched
screens is to retain reliable solid black spot
contamination at a high flux rate.


Technical data
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  • Precurved screens for easy and quick screen change
  • Easy fi xation on the screenbolt by tension ledges
  • Different degrees of fi ltration fi nenees for maximum fl exibility
  • Multiple kinds of different meshs and FMF available

Technical Data

Screen diameter/length (cm)
23 - 52
Operational pressure in bar
Fineness [µ]
Differential pressure [bar]
Temperature in °C
up to 350 °C