MAAG is known worldwide as a pioneer and technology leader in the development and manufacturing of gear pump systems and solutions. We have always focused on keeping its technology up-to-date and tailor it to meet the needs of individual customers. This also refers to our portfolio of industrial pumps that are far superior to standard pumps in terms of performance and reliability.
Our industrial pumps are suitable for the most diversified media in terms of chemical properties, hence the quality requirements for industrial applications are very stringent. They need to withstand high pressures, high temperatures and highly corrosive materials but at the same time they need the highest possible safety for operation. MAAG pumps are the solution for any of these highly specific media:
- Carbon fibres
- Spandex
- Gum base
- Vinyl Alcohol
- Hot Melt – Resin
- Lubrication and refinery products
- Molten Sulphur
- Flavours & Fragrances
- Food & Pharma
We offer six different product lines. All of them are experts in their respective field of application:
MAAG dosix™
Corrosion-resistant dosing pumps for chemical processes
MAAG flexinox™
Corrosion-resistant gear pumps for chemical processes
MAAG cinox® and therminox®
Corrosion-resistant gear pumps for chemical processes
MAAG cinox®-V and therminox®-V
Stainless steel discharge pumps for chemical processes
MAAG refinex® and refitherm®
Cast steel gear pumps for refinery and petrochemical processes
MAAG hydrolub®
Grey cast iron gear pumps for industrial processes
Our new industrial pump brochure is now online
Get all the information you need and contact our experts to find the perfect solution for your application.
The result of our values and aspiration for customer satisfaction made our industrial pumps come alive. We are confident that the new optimized design, materials used, opens new doors in the application ranges. We promise that this innovation takes the flexibility and maintenance to the next level and ease the efforts put in by the customer in a pump’s lifetime.