Automation solution for backflush screen changer

The FC automation system is particularly suitable for stand alone or retrofi tting of screen changer in extrusion lines. Operation, control, regulation and monitoring of the operating parameters are simplified. Production data are displayed transparently and operation is simple and intuitive. Process and production safety of the line are increased.


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  • Simple and clear operation via color display with touch function
  • Manual and Automatic operation of the screen changer
  • Anti- Block mode with motion monitoring
  • Delta pressure measurement

plus de données techniques

Control cabinet: Rittal system cabinetOperating voltage (standard): 3 x 400 V/N/PEControl voltage: 24 VDCSolenoid valves: 24 VDCDisplacement transducer: Micropulse transducer with Profi bus DB interfaceMelt pressure: DMS 3.3 mV/VPLC: SIMATIC ET 200SOperating panel: Touch Panel 10'', colorHeating: Heating control for 8 heating zones