Reliable vessel and piston filter technologies for your polymer application

MAAG offers all filtration technologies for large scale polymer applications. The scope of supply includes a wide range of piston type screen changers, and customized vessel filters in any size and execution. For each application, the MAAG team and the customer investigate the optimal filter solution according to the process, installation environment and filter handling demands.

Screen changer Type CSC-R

This filter execution uses pre-curved one-way screens, which can be changed by 2 operators in 1 hour. There is no need for a handling crane or filter media cleaning, as necessary for candle filter elements. A typical application is PET bottle grade with e.g. 60 µm filter fineness, with the filter installation directly under the extraction pump of the reactor. Available in 2 or 4 piston arrangement with an active filtration surface up to 3,44 m2.

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Screen changer type CSC-C

This filter execution uses pleated candle filter elements in a patented hexagonal candle pattern / tube sheet design. The exchange of all candle bundles can be executed with a small hand crane by 2 operators in 1 hour. Due to the much higher filter surface this filter execution is preferred for filter fineness 20 … 60 µm or use of fiber metal felt media (e.g. Bekipor® ST 20…60 AL3) to catch gel contamination. Available in 2 or 4 piston alignment with an active filtration surface up to 54,08 m2.

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Large area filter type duplex

The duplex large area filter from MAAG are based on a modular system, to be arranged tailor-made to the application, plant layout and handling demands. Several executions for 3-way switch over, drain and vent valves are available for manual operation or electric and hydraulic actuators with position control. For the vessel-pipe connection there is the choice of a cost-effective direct bolt version, and an easily operated jack bolt version for vessel change without the need to disconnect the piping. The duplex filter units are available with 7 to 169 candle filter elements and a filtration surface from 5,1 m2 to 255,4 m2 per vessel.

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Candle filter elements micronex®

MAAG micronex® candle filter elements are designed to optimize the flow and to maximize the filter area.

Each execution is tailor-made for its application using an optimized combination of

  • filter media layer (wire screen and sintered fiber metal felt),
  • number and height of pleating,
  • hardware materials (e.g. 316 stainless steel or Hastelloy) and
  • end fitting design and guard type execution.

More than 1,000 design variants are available for MAAG duplex and simplex filter and any other filter system in the market as well.

Whether standard or custom-made, MAAG has large area filtration systems in its portfolio that meet the increasingly specific requirements in terms of product quality, productivity, handling and maintenance.